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Happy New Year (おおあくびです)

Bmam has been busy to visit both of her parents
during the New Year's holidays.ダッシュ汗・涙1
So, I have been bored.顔4

Sugar came to greet Bmam.

On the third day of the New Year,
Bmam went to enjoy hot-spring
in Ena Kokusai Hotel, Gifu Pref..クルマ1

The spa is salty but makes skins very smooth.顔5
Whenever Bmam visits the spa,
there are only a few guests to be with.
That is the most charm of this spa. チョキ
Sometimes Bmam can use two bath tubs in and out door by herself.
Very relaxing isn't it?矢印1

Hope you all had a nice Holiday!

By for now (^.^)/~~~パー

Posted by Bmam at 11:22Comments(4)TB(0)観光?


Visiting TCMIT(トヨタ産業技術記念館)

It's getting colder and colder.

By the way,
Bmam visited TCMIT
Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology)
the day before yesterday.
That is located near Meitetsu Sako Station.

It was a bit cold and cloudy.icon02
Bmam worried if it would rain.icon03
So Bmam was in a heavy coat.

Bmam took a local train for Inuyama.
Bmam heard an announcement saying
" Sakoh, next stop is Sakoh."
She got off in a hurry.icon16icon10

But it was not Sako but Sanno.
Bman got off at a wrong station face07
because she was not familiar with taking Meitetsu train.

On the platform of Sanno,
Bmam saw many trains were coming
but they didn't stop at.face07face07

Finally, Bmam got to the museum.face02
It was beautiful buildings made of bricks.

There, Bmam met her friends,
and toured the museum together withicon01.

Bmam learned a lot about Toyoda Sakichi
and his descendant.
Sakichi was a genius with full of ingenuity.
He invented many looms(織機)icon12icon14
in order to produce clothes more efficiently.

His energy and talent of ingenuity icon12
have been handed down to
his sons, nephews and grandsons,
Toyoda Kiichiro, Eiji, Shoichiro and so on.

icon12Bmam saw a nice emblem at the Automobile site.icon12

After having a cup of coffee in the museum,icon28
Bmam walked to Nagoya Station with the friends
and took a picture of the Christmas illumination.icon12icon12

It was a nice outing.
Why don't you visit the museum?icon14

Talk to you soon. (^^)/~~~face02icon23

Posted by Bmam at 13:32Comments(7)TB(0)観光?