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Dance Show

Hello, my friends. How are you?

It's sunny but windy again.

This is Boy sending you Bmam's message.

Today, Bmam is going to tell you about
"Seven Samurais" dance show she watched yesterday.

Do you know Papaya Suzuki?

He says "maiu~~" in "DEBUYA" TV program.

Do you dance?

Bmam loves all kinds of dances.
such as classical ballet, hip-hop, jazz, hula and folk dance, and thing like that.

But she dances only a little
and doesn't know technical terms about dance at all.

But enjoys watching dance shows.

What kind of dance
do you like?

At "Seven Samurais" lead by Papaya Suzuki,
dances with musical comedy attracted the crowds.

Bmam laughed a lot.

When Papaya just appears on the stage, some girls close to the stage laugh.

When other dancer comes on the stage, lot of audiences give big hands.
Why not?

Each dancer is very professional and looks top level of the kind
in seven different genres.

All dancers perform all kinds
but Bmam thinks they may be specialized in
contemporary ( Tomohiko Tujimoto),
hip-hop ( Gunsei, Jun), classical ballet (Hiro Natori),
locking (Kenji Sakami), jazz, R&B and so on (Kurosu, Papaya).

Bmam was impressed by their beautiful dances and soft motion.

Of the sevens, Bmam likes Gunsei, Tomohiko Tujimoto and Hiro Natori.

Once Papaya stepped down from the stage,
some girls in front seats yelled,

"Papaya is too close! What a big face he has!"

Papaya talked back, " Because my body is too small for my face."

Ooops time is up.

Talk to you later.

Posted by Bmam at 19:20Comments(8)TB(0)観劇


The Nutcracker (バレー。退屈だぁ)

Christmas is just around.
Are you ready to celebrate Christmas?icon27icon28icon30

home aloneface04icon15

Bmam went to see"The Nutcracker" on Wednesday.
It was performed by The Leningrad State Ballet
with The Leningrad State Orchestra
at Aich Prefectural Art Theater.

By the way, Bmam usually enjoys classical ballet.♪

In the center of the stage, there was a big fir tree
with Christmas decorations.
And Christmas gifts of dolls and toys of
wooden soldiers and a clown danced like marionettes.

Bmam was impressed with the beautiful dancers
in gorgeous costumes and the stage settingsicon12

Happy to see the ballet dancing on this speical season.
But Bmam loves the dance of Tetsuya Kumakawaicon06
more than that of Russians.

Do you like classical ballet?icon14

Talk to you soon. (^.^)/~~~face02icon23

Posted by Bmam at 23:54Comments(8)TB(0)観劇